How To Diversify Your Sustainable Packaging Portfolio

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As a trade-only print and packaging supplier, staying ahead of industry trends and meeting the evolving demands of your clients is paramount to Swanline. One of the most significant shifts in consumer behaviour in recent years has been increasing focus on sustainability. Today, businesses across various sectors are actively seeking eco-friendly packaging solutions to minimise their environmental impact to meet customer expectations.

Let’s explore how you can diversify your sustainable packaging portfolio to meet the growing demand.


Understand the Market Demand

Before diving into diversification, it’s crucial to understand the market demand for sustainable packaging. It’s worth researching consumer preferences, industry trends, and regulatory requirements to identify areas of opportunity. By aligning your offerings with market demand, you can position yourself as a valuable partner to your clients.

Consumers are always looking for ways to better improve their carbon footprint and sustainability, with research suggesting they would actively choose brands which have more eco-friendly packaging. In 2023, a staggering 81% increase of consumers are now demanding sustainable packaging, which is more than ever before (Protega Global, 2023).


Offer a Range of Sustainable Materials

Diversification begins with offering a variety of sustainable materials to cater to different client needs. The Cygnus range, known for its eco-friendly properties and versatility, is an excellent addition to your portfolio. From Cygnus Eco to Cygnus Excellent, these materials offer options for various packaging applications, while maintaining a commitment to sustainability.

Seeking an alternative to plastic is challenging to find, especially if it also needs to offer good moisture resistance, biodegradability, and FSC certification. Cygnus is a market-leading brand in sustainable packaging and boards and offers all those properties within its range. Brands may be unaware of Cygnus materials and how they could be utilised to create products such as biodegradable bollard covers, water resistant mop trays and ice buckets; the capabilities are endless.

Highlight the Benefits of Each Material

Educate your clients about the unique benefits of each sustainable material in your portfolio. For example, Cygnus Eco is a popular choice for its recyclability and moisture resistance, ideal for brands looking to convey an eco-conscious message. On the other hand, Cygnus Excellent offers a smooth, white-centred board with a clean core which provides an ideal recyclable alternative to plastics, perfect for indoor retail signage and point-of-sale applications.

You might be surprised to learn that your clients are looking for a solution that they didn’t realise existed! In your next meeting, explore the opportunities Cygnus materials may offer in solving their pain points and sustainability plans. Are they still using plastic bollard covers? Or do they need moisture-resistant protection near their point-of-sale displays? Offer Cygnus!


Emphasize Customisation and Branding

In today’s competitive market, customisation and branding play a crucial role in packaging design. Highlight how your sustainable materials can be customised to reflect the client’s brand identity and values. Whether it’s through custom printing, embossing, or special finishes, demonstrate how you can help clients stand out while staying true to their sustainability goals. Whether you offer e-commerce packaging or point-of-sale displays, offering customisation and a variety of material options could not only set you apart from your competitors but potentially increase orders and brand awareness for continued business growth.


Facilitate Collaboration and Innovation Encourage

Collaboration between your clients and your team could help foster innovation in sustainable packaging design. You could achieve this by hosting workshops, brainstorming sessions, and design consultations to explore new ideas and solutions. By working together, you can co-create packaging solutions that not only meet sustainability goals but also drive brand differentiation and consumer engagement.


Diversifying your sustainable packaging portfolio is essential for looking to stay competitive in today’s market. By offering a range of eco-friendly materials like the Cygnus range and providing educational resources and support, you can position yourself as a trusted partner to your clients and drive lead generation through sustainable solutions.

Swanline Group is an award-winning trade only supplier to the packaging and point-of-sale industries; pioneers in innovation and design, who can help you transform your customer’s brand with our market-leading Cygnus range, or with our quality corrugated materials. Our bespoke designs are fully customisable and made to order, so partner with Swanline today.

